Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Months 7-9

7th Month:

The months go by faster and faster.  This month he is especially darling, with his cute "bah-bah" babble, and what we call the "inchworm" (the army crawl/lunge/belly flop across the floor).  He can sit without wobbling, loves his yogurt and puff snacks, and can almost get them in his mouth by himself.  But, usually we end up with snacks scattered all around the floor :)  We have noticed he definitely favors his left hand, which will make him both the first blue-eyed grandchild, and first lefty!  Grandpa Thompson is proud.  He laughs when I sneeze and loves to rip off my glasses in the morning.  He can now sleep without the swaddle but still loves his little binky.  When he gets mad he scrunches up his little nose, puts on the pouty lip face, and breaths really fast in and out of his nose!  The hours between 6-7pm are our worst nightmare, as he has been up most the afternoon, is getting hungry, and is hard to please.  It is worth it though, since after his nighttime bottle he is OUT.  After Cal is all dressed in jammies, we play a game called "where'd my baby go?" where Ryan and Cal hide behind the corner of the kitchen and come find me over and over.  It is absolutely adorable.  

8th Month:

Cal has grown up so much these last four weeks.  He started crawling a little after 7 months, and can now stand and scoot across everything!  I think he feels a new sense of independence, and is so happy and curious.  So curious in fact, that Ryan said, "I'm pretty sure this kid has ADD."  Still quiet and determined, but definitely loves to practice his consonant sounds (bah-bah-bah and dah-dah-dah...working on mah-mah-mah!).  He cut his first tooth a few days after Christmas, and it was surprisingly his front, top tooth.  Now, poor fella, he has two basically cut through, and four more on their way.  Needless to say, he has been a very sad little baby for a solid week now.

He is so entertaining!  When he's focusing on something, he likes to make the raspberry noise with air-puffed cheeks.  He loves to feed himself (especially puffs and pouches of applesauce), and has loved tasting all different kinds of foods and juices.  He's a chubby bub, who is nearly grown out of his 9 month clothes, and he's solid and sturdy.  Some of his favorite things are:  mini spatulas, his cozy minky blanket, laying on dad's chest, playing with mama's hair, standing, discovering, cream of wheat.  Our favorite things are: how cuddly he is when he's tired, his rolly legs, how playful and friendly he is with everyone, and finding him in his pack-n-play after a nap, standing and waiting for us to come get him.  Heart bursts everytime.

*Legitimate crawling on December 10th
*Stood up for the first time on December 11th

9th Month:

My goodness is he really this old??  Once six months hit, it's like he decided to grow up :(  Sometimes I am so excited about his growth and the new things he is learning, and then nights like last night I hold him and rock him to sleep, just so I can hang on to these sweet "baby" moments as long as possible.  The next post will be his 10-12 month post - I will have a one-year old!  

This month was packed full of funny memories.  It is harder and harder to keep track of them all!  But he is walking great with his little toy walker, he climbs up on everything (especially the piano - he loves to pound the keys), he can say "mama" and "dada" and started saying "What!" on command!  So hilarious every time.  He is a little needy, and if I go around the corner he stops whatever he is doing, starts yelling "mamamama!" and crawls until he has me in view again - sometimes it's cute, sometimes...not so much.  He is starting to be a better eater, and loves ritz/graham crackers, string cheese, bananas, pancakes, and any kind of fruit baby food.  We had him try a bite of some veggie quinoa and took a video, and I think I personally have watched it 100 times.  He gags, spits, and has the bitter beer face on for about 10 straight seconds! (Check it out HERE)

He lives for baths.  He takes any chance he can to B line it over to the tub.  He just stands there on his tippy toes trying to figure out how to get over the edge, and every once in a while I cave and cancel my plans and bathe him at 1 in the afternoon!  He talks and talks and talks, is always practicing his consonants and whenever he notices me smiling at him or laughing he stops, wrinkles up his nose, squints his eyes, and starts laughing too!  Now that he has two big buck teeth up top, and two little ones on bottom, his smile about kills me!  He is a great sleeper and goes to bed no later than 7:00pm, and wakes up no later than 7:00am (no matter how hard we try).  He is a happy, energetic, messy, busy little baby and we couldn't feel more blessed.

*First word other than "mama"/"dada" - February 2nd - "What!"
*February 2nd - took his first steps to daddy

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