Sunday, August 23, 2015

A place for adventure

A week ago today, Cal got really sick.  He has had croup on and off since he was born, but this round was different.  Within 24 hours he went from being a happy little boy, to barely being able to breathe.  We sped over to the ER in the wee hours of the morning, and once hearing him they started Cal off with breathing treatments right away.

After a double dose, he was still struggling so they decided to give him a steroid shot as well.  (Before the shot, they tried putting in an IV.  I couldn't even watch as Ryan held him down while they searched for a good vein over and over, finally giving up.  I wanted to punch someone for making him do all that for nothing!)  It was nearing the end of the day, and Cal was mildly improving, well enough that they were confident he would just need a little more time to improve as the steroids kicked in.  They gave us one more dose to give Cal in the morning, and sent us on our way.

Cal was horribly coughy and a little lethargic all day Tuesday, and he woke up soon after we put him down that evening with horrible coughing fits.  So much so that he started throwing up over, and over, and over.  So again, we were scared and rushed him to the ER since this time he was struggling to exhale without throwing up and we were afraid he was going to aspirate it.  He calmed down after a few hours, and stopped throwing up, so we were back at home again.

We saw an ENT to follow up on his latest scope, we saw a pediatrician for a check-up, and we never left the house besides all of these doctors appointments!  So, needless to say we got a little stir crazy.  We decided to focus on a project to get through a long, sleepless week and we chose to tackle the room Cal will be moving into once our new little boy is born.

It was so fun working together, and this is the final product.  We love it!  Hopefully Cal loves it as much as we do!  We want it to be a place where adventure and imagination is encouraged, and we are so excited to make fun new memories in his new special room.

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