Monday, August 29, 2016


A few years ago, I told Ryan that if Coldplay ever went on a tour again, I would be buying tickets.  No matter where we lived, no matter how long it took to get there, we had to go.  He agreed!  So, when Coldplay announced they were going to be touring in Dallas (5 hours from here) I almost passed out.  I did the countdown and bought the tickets within 30 seconds of them being released, and could not believe how fast tickets were selling!!  Even though I didn't score front seats, I was still beyond excited to go.

We asked some great friends (the Elliotts) if they would be our kids' parents for the weekend, and they were happy to help.  So Saturday morning we left for Dallas, and made a fun day of it.  We stopped and ate delicious Indian food then walked through Ikea and tested out some couches.  We held hands as we laughed about funny moments with our kids, talked about our hopes and dreams for the next couple years,  and made the perfect Coldplay playlist we wished they would play later that night.  Then we found our apartment (thanks airbnb!) and got all dolled up and Ubered our way to the AT&T Center - one of the most impressive things I have ever seen.  

Ryan and I spent most of the time leading up to the concert walking around the stadium.  Ryan told me about how amazing it was to play a football game there back during his BYU days, and it was fun to hear him reminisce.  We talked about a book we recently read "Essentialism" and words that represent time - Chronos and Kairos - and how we could better live in the present, and BE present.  We bought way too expensive snacks because we realized we were starving and never had dinner.  We people watched.  Then, it was time to take our seats.  

The lights went down, the crowd started screaming, the smoke started to fill the stadium, and we knew it was time.  100,000 colored wristbands started blinking in sync and out came Coldplay to their newest song "Head Full of Dreams".  The most magical moment however, came next.  At the end of the song the lights turned off, all of the wristbands turned yellow, and yellow balloons fell from the sky.  I knew immediately what song it was.  The song I heard and fell in love with over ten years earlier.  YELLOW!!!!  I almost cried.  Ryan and I sang and yelled and jumped and danced, and had some of the most fun we have ever had together.  They sang almost all of my favorites:

Till Kingdom Come
Head Full of Dreams
Fix You
Sky Full of Stars
Viva La Vida
The Scientist

and so many more.  The whole drive home the next morning, one of us would just start spontaneously singing one of their songs.  The lights and atmosphere and entire show was out of this world.  We are so grateful for the fastest, but most fun 24 hours together we have ever had!  

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