Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Korean Feast!

OOOOO mama we had a feast!  This is how it all started.  I offered to make Lauren a smokin' Korean dinner during the middle of the fall semester and she took me up on it.  I think she doubted my abilities in the kitchen, but as you should be able to see from the pictures below, those doubts were put to rest!  We had such a fun time together preparing this meal and it was a fun blast from the past of my days serving in Seoul, South Korea. 

We had a dish called 삼겹살 Sahm-Gyup-Sahl with 뗙볶이 Duck-Boke-gi.  The sahm gyup sahl is really just thick slices of bacon with a more porkish taste that you wrap up in romaine lettuce, rice, kimchi, peppers, cucumber, bean paste, sea weed or any combination of those things.  I was a little worried that Lauren might not like it, but boy oh boy it was a hit!  We ate until our little bellies stretched into big bellies and capped it all off with a bonafide Asian Pear.  And I'm not talking about those wimpy pears you find in the orchards in Medford, Oregon, I'm talking about an Asian Pear the size of a grapefruit! It was awesome.  In true Korean fashion we feasted.  

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