Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Two Years

It is amazing what can happen in a few short years. 

April 23, 2010.

Ryan was just finishing his mission in South Korea.  He had his next year planned, filled with football, dating and school.  I, on the other hand, didn’t know what my future held.  I was about to leave for a study abroad in Spain and was confused about a relationship, my major, and basically my entire future. 

April 23, 2011.

We were married.  What???  Yes we did only date for a few short weeks and were engaged for a few short months, but it is truly amazing how our lives were carefully and thoughtfully intertwined in order to bring us together.  I didn’t know if I was going to be able to transfer to BYU and was exploring other options.  Ryan was busy with football and other demands. 

April 23, 2012.

Both finishing up one of our last semesters of school, not working and looking forward to a summer of fun together.  Ryan finished his last season playing at BYU and I had managed to transfer to UVU, with a couple semesters under my belt.  We moved to our beloved “Briar” apartment and began to explore all the nearby mountain trails.

April 23, 2013.

Both graduated.  Medical school put off another year, and two masters in the works (Neuroscience for Ryan and Dietetics for me).  Working full time and studying full time.  Looking forward to a family, an acceptance to medical school and a solid five-year plan.    

Life keeps you on your toes.  One year our lives are thrown together, the next we are trudging through school, and the next we are working and just as confused about our futures as we had been a few years back.  But, it is wonderful to reflect on the growth we have had as individuals and as a couple, and the blessings we experience every day. 

I am lucky enough to have a husband who:

  • turns on some music and asks me to dance right there in the middle of the kitchen floor, with flour on my face, a spoon in my hand and an apron tied around my waist
  • tells me he loves me at least 5 times as day
  • lets his arm fall asleep just so I can be snuggled as tight as possible
  • has 10+ hour study days and never complains
  • wakes up and exercises with me even though he doesn’t want to
  • pretends he loves my burned cookies
  • grabs my hand on our nightly walks
  • gives me the “I love you” hand squeeze every day
  • deals with my occasional craziness
  • loves to play our instruments together
  • is more attractive to me now than he was when I was 14
  • is a true listener, a kind companion and my best friend
 Two years today.  It is such a wonderful thing to be married not only to an amazing husband, but a genuine, loyal and positive person.  I look forward to another year with my man!



  1. What a sweet and touching tribute to your beginnings!

  2. I loved reading this. You two are so great together. I can't believe it's been two years already!
